This net is designed for 12 foot trampolines frames that have an 8 pole safety enclosure system. There must be a cap on top of each pole to fasten the net strap to. These caps have a loop or buckle integrated into them so that the net strap can be attached. Below is an example of the type of cap required. Caps not included! Net Only!
Exacme Model # EXACME 12 FT Trampoline
Ultega Model # Ultega 12-Foot Jumper Trampoline with Safety Net
Frugah Trampolines Model # 5450-T002A
Pure Fun Model # 9012TS, 9012T
Kidwise Model # KW-JFT-12-TSN-G
Please make sure you are buying the right size safety enclosure net for your trampoline! Measure your frame from one outside edge vertically & horizontally to the other outside edge so you get the correct measurements.